Sunday, January 2, 2011

a year in pictures.

Happy New Year!!! I had full intentions of blogging about Christmas...but my week of vacation went WAY too quickly and it's already back to work time. How did ten days of vacation go SO quickly!? I am not a fan.

Anyways - I noticed that one of my friends from high school had joined a website that allows you to post a picture a day...project365...or something like that. So I figured that would be a fun project to tackle in order to document this year...and with the camera built in to my phone that makes it easy to upload pictures, I figured this would be a slightly feasible idea. So here we go:

January 1: Okay, this picture isn't technically from January 1, but it was how part of how we rang in the new year. We had a low key evening with just two friends, Warren and Lindsay. Very different than the 30 person party my father throws for his birthday every year (which I missed for the first time in my life), but wonderful none-the-less!! Ry and I decided to make a nicer-ish meal and therefore I decided to actually set the table...I also wanted to make use of the cute napkin holders my mother had sent us. It was a fun night of relaxing and chatting and we even got to break out the siphon!! Anyways here is the table:

January 2: Another one of my goals for this year is to find a REALLY good chili recipe. We always used to throw things in a pot and add spices until we thought it was good, which was good, but not fabulous. It certainly would not have won the Pigeon Cove Chapel annual chili contest (which we can never enter because we're gone Christmas Eve). Anyways, the first try of the year came from Bon Appetit:

It was a beef and bean chili. Ry's first word was, "spicy." He then thought that it was missing something, as did I, but we couldn't put our finger on it. Ry thought more chili powder. I'm undecided. Needless to say, it wasn't the winner. Good, but not the winner. Here's it cooking on the stove:

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