Wednesday, June 26, 2013

jacob jay: one year

i keep trying to write a one year post, but nothing really adequately expresses how much we love our little man. he is such a sweet boy, so full of energy, but so sweet. so, so sweet. most days are spent moving at warp speed, chasing beans, getting into things he shouldn't...the amount of sheer energy in this one year old astounds me. he goes so fast all day long that he crashes hard at the end of the night (and two naps in between). he's so fun and it's amazing to watch him grow and change from day to day. one of my favorite things that he does these days is that amidst his crawling around, he will spot me or ryan, crawl to us, give us a quick hug, and continue on his way. the other thing that i find to be oh so precious, is that anytime we are outside and he spots the neighbor's dog, he starts yelling and chatting and pointing until we go over there to say hi.  Once the neighbor's dog jumps up to say hi, he starts giggling so hard. it's so cute. (side note about chatting - i think he knows dada! he's said it a couple times looking at ry...but it's hard to tell...)

we love him and we are so thankful each and every day for him.

and here's some pictures from our day...

who doesn't like pancakes and real maple syrup on their birthday?!

waking up from nap is hard work...

silly boy sits like this all the time these days.

i missed the pointing, but he points at everything.

and what's a birthday without cake...even if we celebrated with cake on saturday!

this picture captures his goofy, funloving self. silly boy.

eat it up before beans does!

this one cracks me up....he bent down and shoved it all in his mouth!

not thrilled to hear me say, "all done!"

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